....it's cancer. BUT it's only stage 2 which is way better than stage three. I meet with the surgeon tomorrow to see what's next. I'm doing okay actually. Three things that have been lovely since I found out.
1. Jason.
2. My oldest sister telling me that my she and my middle sister "are sisters again" thanks to this. That made my birthday. They are always great but have had some hard times and found each other again through this. I think I might have cried harder over that than anything because it made me so happy.
3. The realization that I have more love in my heart and in my life than I ever imagined. That will get me through.
I'm ready to fight. Up for it all. Feeling lucky and amazed that I'm, literally, facing my biggest fear and it's really not that bad. I'm scared but ready. Sad but joyful. Certainly the furthest from alone I've ever been. Let's get it done.
Love to all,
We're going to kick this cancer's ass, Crescent, and no matter what, we'll be here by your side the whole journey. You are amazing and strong and with your humor, this cancer doesn't stand a chance.
That is beautiful about your sisters.
I love you! I can't wait to see you and hug you till you turn blue.
Hi Crescent,
I know we don't know each other well, or really at all. (I met you once at Matt and Anne's place I think.), but I just wanted to let you know that I have been thinking about you and your wait for news lately. I went through this same thing last summer with a similar result (though it wasn't even Stage 2 yet, I was very lucky it was found so early... enough about me).
There are a lot emotions that you end up going throughout this whole process, some that I was really surprised about. One that surprised me was that I felt guilty when people referred to me as a survivor because of finding it early and not suffering as much pain as other cancer survivors. I know, weird, right?
Anyway, I wasn't intending for such a long comment, but I just wanted to let you know what I found out, that there are a lot more women who go through this than I initially imagined and I found support in the strangest and most wonderful of places.
Good luck with your surgery and your recovery. I'll be thinking about you.
Erin Howk
Oh, Crescent...
If there's anything you need, please let me know. I'll send prayers and positive vibes your way.
I don't know if my first comment went through, so forgive me if this is a duplicate. Crescent = awesome. Now go kick cancer's ass!! And let me know if you need anything. :)
Know that even long ago teammates are in your corner on this one. Let me know if you need anything. I'm betting that goes for whole bunches of people.
Good luck with everything, Crescent. I will be praying for you.
Erica's mom
As Erin said above, you don't know me, except as jrrtubbs on the CIN board.
But I just wanted you to know that you'll be in my thoughts. All the best.
We've also never met in person (I don't think)but traded PMs once on CiN when someone thought I was you. Anyhow, I jsut wanted to let you know that I am rooting for you!
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