I think this is called a meme which I say like this: meah meah. Anyway I have to do it.
A. Available or Single? No. That question is confused and I'm married.
B. Best Friend? Jason and Freddy and the Katzfey's
C. Cake or Pie? I don't really like either. I know I know I just don't. I like angel food cake every now and then. but not that much.
D. Drink of Choice? iced tea or chardonnay
E. Essential Item? Tide Stain Sticks and my insurance card
F. Favorite Color? Orange
G. Gummi Bears or Worms? Worms.
H. Hometown? Stevens Point, Wisconsin
I. Indulgence? everything
J. January or February? February just because it's closer to spring
K. Kids? not yet but I want one soonish!
L. Life is incomplete without - hysterical laughing
M. Marriage Date? Jason was my date to my marriage.
N. Number of siblings? 2 older sisters
O. Oranges or apples? Oranges because they smell awesome
P. Phobias/Fears? frogs and toads. *SHIVER!!!*
Q. Favorite quote? "Waiter! That mustachioed gentleman is eating my soup!" Jason said that out of the blue to no one in particular the other morning and now it's our new favorite quote because it makes no sense in any universe.
R. Reasons to smile? Guitar Hero and Jason and seeing my family this weekend and my sister's new hot tub and I get to leave at 11 today and have Monday off!
S. Season? I love them all but fall is my favorite
T. Tag Three. TAG - Let's play four square instead
U. Unknown fact about me - I have to hold a piece of my hair to fall asleep. I mean while it's still on my head. It's not like I have a bag of hair that I cuddle with.
V. Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals? recovered vegetarian
W. Worst habits - relaxing too much
X. X Rays or Ultrasound? I've had tons of both. I glow in the dark.
Y. Your Favorite Food- spaghetti...I miss the days of eating giant bowls of noodles....sigh.
Z. Zodiac- Libra
Now that THAT'S over with I think my favorite moment of the spring happened last night. Jason and I had Matt and King over for some Guitar Hero and while I was jamming on a song I'd never heard of King said to Jason "Crescent is really good at Guitar Hero. I was not expecting that."